Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I had a conversation with someone this morning that reminded me of a Covey "doctrine". He calls it our circles of influence. This person was upset about recent goings on in Washington. This person also has enough on her plate as a full-time mother of 2. The simple idea behind this concept is this: (using Washington as an example) I can not control what our President does. Even if an email from me made it to his desk, it's likely he could care less about my opinion. That's not an effective was to cause change. Change is caused in a ripple effect. Who can I influence? Who is it that cares about my opinion and considers it? I start there. That person probably has a different, and sometimes larger circle of influence. Once they are influenced, they can work on their circle.

Rosa Parks did not march on Washington. The slaves, didn't march on Washington. Rosa Parks used her influence right where she was. Those slaves in captivity who had no voice never gave up. Who did they influence? Their children. Reminding them that there was life outside of slavery. Teaching them about freedom despite the dismal prospects of it. That influence and spirit of change has affected an entire country if but only a little at a time. Look at the outcome!

So why the soapbox, today? We have so much responsibility in this life. We are stressed out beyond reason and so much of it is caused by stuff we have no control over, whatsoever. Some things that, even if we did have control over, are actually pointless or moot. We don't have to control EVERYTHING do we?

I know a couple of people, who, would be quite happy to simply have influence over themselves! They would be content to get through one day without panic. To make it a little further in the day before they surrender to the debilitating pain and take a pain pill.

Who do you have influence over today? Over what things do you have no influence whatsoever? In fact, over what things should you NOT have influence? The sun rising? The price of tea in China? The loss or gain of another?

More than anything else, this is an energy thing. Today, feel blessed for all that you have; for all that is right in your life. Make a list of all that vexes you and cross off the ones over which you have no influence or control. Now take the energy gained from focusing on the positive, and getting rid of the futile and spend it somewhere profitable. Use it to love someone a little more than usual; work a little harder; be a little kinder; change something small today.

We have only today in our grasp. Make it worth something to somebody if it's only yourself.

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