Saturday, April 14, 2012


The weather in Oklahoma is making my hair curl (literally and figuratively). Anyone with any kind of chronic pain issues can attest to the effects of weather on their condition. There is a direct correlation between the barometer and my pain level. Also it's the weekend and my body tends to rebel from my week activity, though I tried to take it easier this week.

Anyway this will be a short post (yes, I hear the snickering because I can't make a short post, can I?). I've been cooking this up for a while and since I didn't feel like anything else this morning, I thought I would make it real.

Meet Lilly, she's my mascot. She's several shades of purple which relates to the varying pain levels of the syndrome (as described by the Fibromyalgia Crusade) Lilac = low pain, Mulberry = tolerable, Amethyst = high pain, @ all together = Really bad! LMA (Leave Me Alone). Anyway she's supposed to be lilac. And of course she's all dolled up and pretty because why shouldn't she be? Most important is the acronym F.R.O.G. I've managed to apply this concept in most areas, but fail to when it comes to my illness. So, she's a reminder to me: be beautiful, wear your colors, fully rely on God. We won't talk about how long I spent drawing her on my iPad! It was a labor of love. <3

So that's all. On this mulberry Saturday, with storms on the horizon, I'm trying to at least have a productive brain if not a productive body.

I've been blessed this week by a fellow Fibro blogger who owns The Fibromyalgia Crusade website. Her trials and experience help me remeasure my "normal". I appreciate her openness and candidness. Links to her BLOG are here, stop by and read a bit.

I'm also thankful for my Prince of a husband who doesn't expect too much. He kissed a princess that turned into a FROG, but he still loves her.

I'm trying some diet changes. Frogs eat flies. I've have noticed a change in how I feel overall, but not in my pain and fatigue levels. I've been told it takes a while. If only I could go to a medical spa for 3 months to have someone prepare organic, non-processed, possibly gluten free meals for me and see if there was an improvement. Nothing is easy, is it?

Oh well, enjoy Lilly. Feel free to use her as your own reminder. We're not in this battle alone. In fact, this battle isn't even ours. That's hard to remember when the laundry pile (and toy pile, and trash pile) is growing. God = grace. Give yourself some too.