Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Key to Destiny is Willingness

I can't take credit for this blog title. There is a book called "The Key: And the Name of the Key is Willingness" (Cheri Huber, June Shiver). I haven't read this book, its title sent my mind on an adventure.

"Be the change you want to see in the world"; "Keep on doing what you've always done and you'll keep on getting what you've always got"; (and my favorite) "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results" ~ Albert Einstein. We've all read these. We probably even have them as a tag line on our email or Myspace page. The concept is simple, we can create change if we are willing.

I know this seems like a simple obvious concept, but the implications on our life is huge! It means that there is almost nothing that we can't not fix or alter for the better.

Here are some examples from my life: I could drive a new car and live in a big house if I am willing to put my kids in daycare. I'm not willing. If I would follow "Kelly The Flylady's" nighttime routine, my life would be amazingly more organized. I'm not willing. My friend who can't get her house clean, lose weight, feel better, or sleep more could do all of those things if she would just turn off the TV. She's not willing.

In my belief system I believe that my destiny is determined by God, and, therefore, is perfect. That's the potential: a perfected destiny. Am I willing to submit completely to the will of my God?

As you can see this simple thing can affect whether or not your foyer is tidy because you take 5 extra seconds to hang up your coat, to whether or not you fulfill your spiritual destiny. Whatever your roadblock is you ask yourself two questions: what will it take to change this? Am I willing?

I would be remiss to not talk for just a second about the things we can NOT change. There are things that we do not have control over. We do not have control over our spouse's chronic illness. We DO have control over our response to it. We DO have control over our perception of that person. We can change how we treat that person and ask ourselves: what am I willing to do to help him/her through this? What am I willing to do to make sure their needs and my own are being met? What am I willing to do to ensure my lifelong vow to this person is fulfilled in a Godly way?

What are you willing to do to gain a new perspective on that child that isn't meeting your expectations? or just isn't what you thought they would be? What are you willing to do to change the way you respond to that friend that is suffering because of his/her own decisions? You can't make them do things differently, but you can be an example of change, and love them through it.

Pick one thing today, something simple, that you want to affect. Ask yourself what you need to do to change it. Ask yourself if you are willing.

This is my simple one: I want to change my croproom from a disaster area to a retreat. I'm going to have to get rid of some stuff. I am willing to remove or throw away the clutter that is causing the chaos.

Some things will take time and you will have to change a bad habit into a good one. However, once you've realized this, that you have the power to change something, and you are not willing, then you no longer have a right to whine about it!

Good luck and don't forget to share your questions, comments, or success!

1 comment:

  1. Just a few fun quotes along these lines:

    "The most effective way to do something is to do it" ~ Amelia Earheart

    "Do or do not. There is no try" ~ Yoda

    "Quit....don't quit. Noodles.....don't noodles. You are too concerned with what was and with what will is a gift" ~ Kung Fu Panda

    and my favorite:
    "There are things a man can do, and things a man can't do. For instance, I can let you drown... But, I can't bring this ship into Tortuga all by me onesie... savvy?" ~ Captian Jack Sparrow
