Friday, January 16, 2009

BLOGGING on the fly: Mean people stink!

I don't really have any particular insight today. Except maybe one: negative, mean, people make me tired.

I haven't done Tai Chi today and believe me when I say my Chi needs cleaned! I have seen, this week, unbelievable acts of mean-spiritedness. (is that a word?) If not, it should be. I see people all the time who try so hard to stay focused on the postive aspects of their life, only to have someone close to them tear them down.

There people like this among us and we might be completely unaware. You don't know what happened last night to that person in the elevator, or the lady in the coffee shop. My point is that it NEVER hurts to be NICE to people wherever you encounter them. If this is true for perfect strangers, it is even more so for those we love. (or who we claim to love)

Kindess can heal inury, save a marriage, raise a child, encouarge the sick, and refuel the caregivers. In unimaginable ways, simple kindness can change your life and those you encounter.

I'm beat today!!! I've spent much engery this week counseling people who have been afflicted by someone else's mean-ness. One hateful remark to someone who loves you can be so harmful. Imagine what it can do when repeated over and over, again.

Be positive. Think nice thoughts. See the good in others. Act in kindness. Be mindful of the affect you have on others. It's much greater than you might think.

Encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 1 Thess. 5;14

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