Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Last night, at midnight, our cocker spaniel went outside and began quite the commotion. I opened the door to yell at him to stop and the two little dogs ran out to join him. There ensued the loudest dog induced frenzy I think I've ever heard! Sawyer is barking at whatever, Chloe is barking at Sawyer, and Xander is barking as not to be left out. Then in a final fit of yelping and howling, they all scattered and my husband comes out the other door to see whats going on. "There on the lawn arose such a clatter, I jumped from my bed to see what was the matter". I saw a black furry animal dart from the scene and I thought it was a cat. Of course then we smelled it. Sawyer and Chloe headed back to the bedroom door and we grabbed them to make sure they weren't sprayed. It was only then we realized Xander was missing. I ran to the living room and there he was furiously rubbing his face on the carpet. He had gotten skunked right in the snout! His eyes were swollen shut so we threw him in the shower, without regard to risking our own stinkiness. Sawyer walked around with his head drooping and Chloe hid under the bed.
By 2:00 am Xander was still traumatized but not quite as stinky, however, the carpet was beyond fixing. I finally gave up, covered my nose and mouth with the sheet and finally fell into a sound sleep.

Today the house still reeks despite all efforts to fumigate. As in so many of life's situations the best you can do sometimes is laugh. So here is my l Top 8 reasons why it's good to have skunk smell in your house. In no particular order:
1. You can no longer smell the garbage, litter boxes, dirty socks, or the thing under the boys bed that I'm afraid to fish out.

2. The instant cure for fatigue is seeing your dog rub skunk oil all over your new carpet. You find the energy to instantly spring into action.

3. It wards off all door to door salesmen and religious types on bicycles. No one wants within 10 yards of the front door!

4. The wicked stench burning your nose totally causes you to ignore the fibromyalgia pain

5. The entire family is suddenly motivated to clean everything in sight.

6. No one notices my lack of cooking skills due to their overwhelmed olfactory senses.

7. We are saving on utilities as the house is now lit and heated by the flame of scented candles.

8. If I ever get this smell out, I will never again complain about the "dog smell". Come to think of it, that might have been their plan all along!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, poor Xander. Poor carpet. Hilarious post.
