Monday, January 2, 2012

Healing in 4 Simple Steps?

A much respected mentor of mine in the Tai Chi world has assured me he can lessen my FMS symptoms with a very easy drill. I told him to keep me accountable and he has. I started today. I asked his permission to post this here so that others can try it with me. According to him in 10 days I should see an improvement. I recommend this for ANYone needing healing: physically or emotionally. I can tell you that you will feel better immediately as far as feeling relaxed and centered. After today I'm going to do this at bed time because I was ready for a nap when I was all done!

Firstly, we need to have a little discussion about these types of exercises and how they need to be done in order to be effective. Tai Chi, Qi Gong, and Shibashi are all exercises of discipline. Central to each is learning how to breathe properly. This lesson in breathing is good for anyone and everyone to learn. It will help you feel centered and relaxed in the most stressful of moments. It's very simple: deeply breath in through your nose, slowly exhale out of our mouth; repeat. Got that? Practice a few times. Try it. 10 slow breaths in and out.

In 2009 after 8 months of Tai Chi I experienced a break in pain that lasted several months. (Until I caught pneumonia and became symptomatic again.) So I believe these exercises will work. The trick with people with any kind of chronic illness is being able to find both time and energy at the same moment in order to actually do an exercise of any kind. Good news! This drill takes 6 minutes! Then you rest. I'm convinced I can do this! And you can too. It literally is 4 steps. This is simple so stay with me here because I'm going to explain the 2 postures you will be doing and what they are meant to accomplish. Ok? Here we go.

Posture 1: Wuji
This is also known as standing meditation or The Tree. I like "The Tree" because it gives a true picture of this posture. It is not meant to be ridged. In fact you body should be loose enough to sway a little in a totally relaxed pose.
Stand with you legs about shoulder width apart, your knees should be comfortably bent just a little, NOT locked. Shoulders relaxed, arms at your side. Imagine "tucking" your tailbone in slightly (like the picture). This takes the weight off your lower back and allows you to relax while standing. Standing this way allow gravity to pull on you. Adjust your knees and pelvis until everything feel comfortable. This is a very relaxed pose. While in this pose, breathe. Your focus should be on your center, identified by the yin-yang symbol in the picture. This is Wuji. (by the way you can google any of these for a video)

Posture 2: Shibashi-Pose 1
I borrowed this from I found that I was not doing a good job of explaining the how-to. As you raise your arms up, breathe in. Exhale as you lower them. These movements are done extremely s l o w l y.

It looks as though you are gently raising and sinking your body in time with raising and lowering your arms.

taiji qigong move raise the arms
opening position:
  • stand with feet shoulder width apart
  • arms hang down
  • palms face in to thighs
  • relax body
  • knees slightly bent
raise arms to shoulders:
  • turn palms face down
  • fingers downwards and slightly curved
  • breathe in
  • raise body
  • draw arms up to shoulder height and width
  • palms face down
  • elbows and wrists slightly bent

taiji qigong move lower the arms

return arms to sides:
  • turn palms face out to front
  • fingers upwards and slightly curved
  • breathe out
  • sink body down with knees slightly bent
  • draw arms down to thighs
  • palms face out to back
Again, a video might be helpful but you literally are just raising your arms to shoulder height and lowering them again, keeping your wrists relaxed.

Ok. Ready for the instructions? Here they are. I have to add this one thing: For Step One, Richard gives you a contact number to call. I, personally, have my own spiritual contact. I use this time for personal prayer to talk to God about my health and what I want to accomplish. You could also call a prayer partner. If you do not have your own spiritual practice or prayer partner, Richard has provided that for you. It's important however, that you enter this exercise with a clear, comfortable state of mind. This is not a time for hair pulling type of prayer, if you know what I mean. Peaceful reflection. Spend some quiet time in God's presence. Not asking, just being. Just listening. Maybe even just thanking him.

So get your favorite most relaxing music going. I actually like to use an App for this. I like "Relax M.P." You can mix your own beautiful sounds and set timers which is handy for this exercise.

You can follow Richard on Twitter: @ezduzit777 His instructions to me are:

My routine that's helped literally hundreds is simple:
> Step 1: get your head going in the right direction - to do this I ask all that try this to call each morning to the worlds oldest longest sitting non-denominational prayer ministry (live 24/7 FREEEE) at 1 800 669 7729. Ask for prayer for courage and strength. After prayer do the following
> Step 2: stand in wuji for 2 mins....if you need and example i will send you one.....just stand legs flexed apart about 1 foot and let your arms just drape and hang loosely at your sides
> Step 3: do 2 minutes of the first move of Shibashi...ONLY the first move, no more....2 mins
> Step 4: again stand in wuji for 2 mins and then go rest....
> Do the above for 10 days and I guarantee and change in your energy.....ALL PARTS ARE CRITICAL do not cheat on any of them.....
> Silent Unity and totally non denominational.....been sitting in prayer since approx 1892.....never having stopped....never....
> This is my best shot to all that have come to me and it just works
> Love and light
> richard

So that's it. Richard is keeping me on track making sure I am doing this. If you would like me to check in with you, leave a comment below and I will check in with you to make sure you are doing this.

I'me very interested in your progress. I'll post an update 10 days from now. This is easy. I can do this.

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