Friday, June 19, 2009

Where art thou blogger?

I've been on hiatus from blogging. Because I haven't had anything worthy of writing and because I have not had access to the laptop. Blogging on my iPod is completely ununfeasible.

Folding Fitted Sheets, again, took on a new meaning for me this month, when my dryer broke. It's fixed now, finally, but I spent a week hanging laundry on a clothes line. I was amazed at how wonderful those fitted sheets smelled when I took them off the line. It makes my whole linen closet smell fabulous! Needless to say, even though the dryer is fixed, the clothesline is still up and running. It's almost meditative to hang out the wash. It's quiet, expect for the birds and the breeze and the sound of sheets snapping in the wind.

Speaking of meditative, June has been a great month for Tai Chi. We are nearly 2/3rds of the way through the form. It has become more difficult but also more rewarding. I've been getting amazing information and encouragement from the Tai Chi folks I follow on Twitter. I could (and probably will) do another BLOG post on my Tai Chi experiences.

Finally, I'm happy to report that June has been a flare-free month! Who could ask for better?

Husband is finally back at work, full time. It's been very odd adjusting after having him home for 3 months. It has definitely put our "Twilightedness" to a test. It's easy to be Twilighted when you are together all day, every day. It's a little harder when you spend the day apart doing different things, living nearly separate lives. All in all, we've readjusted, realigned and are working very hard to meet our goal of working together. Let the Twilightedness continue!!

June has also been a month of adjusting to having all three......children (sometimes I have other words for them, like "urchins", "noise makers", "nerve wreckers") back at home. It's been a little rough, truly. They aren't used to being together all day, either. I think they have most of the fighting and arguing out of their systems and things are becoming more peaceful. More and more they are being referred to in more loving terms such as "sweet peas", "cutie pies", "love bugs". I think that's a sign of improvement.

Twitter has also opened my mind more to chronic illnesses. Not only because of my own suspicions of having PMR, but also because of some really great people I follow. There are some wonderful women who have Fibro and other "invisible illnesses" who inspire me. Of course I have a dear friend who has Fibro and I am able to see what a toll it takes on her life, daily. It's becoming a passion of mine to find, if not a cure, a way to identify flare triggers or other ways these women (myself included) can live a better quality of life.

I've crammed several months worth of experiences into this one post. There is so much more I could write. I wish I had taken the time to write out the 3 months spent with my husband and what a joy and an adventure that was. I'm not sure I can capture it as well in words now that the time has past.

This is a start of a new adventure, however, so hopefully I will be motivated to write more often.

1 comment:

  1. I love the name of your blog! I nearly lose my religion when I try to fold fitted sheets.
